Back in May, I wrote a post about repairing the decorative painting on an old Italian chair for my client Pam. She has since called me back to tackle repairs on the other 4 chairs in the set!
Similar to the first project, Pam wanted me to re-paint the decorative elements where they have been damaged or chipped away, but to replicate the old patina of the rest of the chair to keep the charm and authenticity of these pieces.
While these chairs were not as damaged as the first project, I did encounter a new challenge! Many of these pieces – and one in particular – had previous “repair” work done to them that was unfortunately not done well. In these cases, I had less of a reference point to start with as the repairs were not accurate and my only option was to paint over the work that been previously done. Fortunately, there are some repeating elements form one chair to the next, so I was able to re-create full sections of this decorative painting work. In the end, this was my favorite part of the project!
Below are some before and after shots of this work.