For most of our projects, we create new and custom finishes and murals tailored to our client’s needs – but sometimes we fix existing finishes and repair old murals. For this recent project, we actually repaired finishes in 5 different spaces!
One of the most dramatic examples was in this entryway, which had an old finish and mural that was damaged pretty severely from a leak in the roof above. These before pictures give a good sense of the starting point – and you can imagine how much more was lost when all the loose paint was scraped off (I forgot to take pictures of this stage!).
After prepping the surface (scraping, sealing and priming), the first step was to figure out the many colors used in the background faux finish. With these colors in hand, we were on to re-creating the finish – which we did by mixing up to 8 different colors together with glaze – making the transition seamless from old areas (areas where the existing finish could be saved) to the new repaired and re-painted areas.
With this complete, I was on to filling in the lost sections of the mural! These photos came in handy, as many of these elements got scraped off. For areas that were gone before we arrived, I had to make an educated guess on what mural would have been in that space.
In the end, it was all worth it! The space looks good as new, and the client was amazed!