Girl's Room mural Painting in Brookline

OK, I probably should not pick favorites, but I think the projects I most enjoy are murals where I get to create a scene from scratch – which was confirmed by how much fun I had on my recent job of painting this 2-wall mural for a 7 year-old girl’s room in Brookline!

 When I met with her parents to talk about their thoughts for the mural, I got fantastic input – but I had a pretty open slate to work with!  The over-arching concept was a garden – very loosely based on the book “The Secret Garden”.  From there, we just brainstormed on the different elements they wanted in the scene – with input like including a gate or arch, giving it a slightly Japanese or eastern feel, making it look like a garden but also like it is wild, including a path to a different section of the scene, including a few birds and animals, including a rope swing and including specific flora like a cherry tree, irises, daffodils and lupine.  From there, it was up to me!

Below is a picture of the walls I had to work with before I started the mural:

Karis before.jpg

Because this project had so many elements involved, I wanted to start the collaboration with a pencil sketch and I sent this first take below:

Karis room design 1.jpg

With this design, I used the hedge on either side of the gate to act as a wall between the foreground and the background.  This helps create a sense of depth - but also  plays with the idea of something hidden/to be discovered on the other side of the gate. In the foreground, I wanted to hint at the hand of a gardener in a planned space - but also make it look a bit more wild and magical - like a mysterious abandoned yet beautiful space begging to be explored. To get the Japanese/eastern flare, I used a Japanese style gate as well as tiered and manicured trees I found in pictures of Japanese gardens pictures.

Everyone loved the concept, so I was on to creating my paint sketch.  To do this, I create a scale version of the mural using the exact paints I plan to use on the final mural.  Following are these concept paintings for the 2 walls:

Karis wall 1.jpg
Karis wall 2.jpg

I met to review these with my clients, and they were happy with everything exactly as I had planned it!  With the concept approved, I was on to painting on the walls!.  Following are shots of the various phases of painting the final mural:

Phase 1

Phase 1

Phase 2

Phase 2

Phase 3 … getting close!

Phase 3 … getting close!

The final mural!

The final mural!

Shot including the second wall

Shot including the second wall

Iris detail

Iris detail

Hidden key detail

Hidden key detail

Daffodils, butterfly and bunny details

Daffodils, butterfly and bunny details

The cardinal

The cardinal

And one more of the bunny!

And one more of the bunny!

