Abstract Mural Panels for Contemporary Home

I had the opportunity to do some decorative painting projects at a beautiful new contemporary home that is being built in Weston, MA – one of which is this series of abstract mural panels!

The panels are positioned in a large seating/gathering area that is adjacent to a bar in the lower level of the home.  To create a focal point in the room that is appropriate for the scale of the space, the designer had the idea to use these panels – each of which is 3.5 wide by 7 feet tall.  For the subject matter, the designer wanted something modern to go with the contemporary style of the home and the client’s taste.  Specifically, she had a wallpaper she wanted to use for inspiration, and had me design something similar that would fit the panels and have colors that would go with the furniture that will be placed in the space.

For my process, I first created scale concept paintings of each board – showing exactly how the larger version would appear.  With these approved, I was on to painting the large panels – which were a hit with the designer and the homeowner!

Below are pictures of all 4 of panels together - followed by each panel individually.



Ash panels 4 final BLOG.jpeg
Panel 1 final BLOG.jpeg
panel 2 final BLOG.jpeg
Panel 3 final BLOG.jpeg
panel 4 final BLOG.jpeg