After installing this impressive wallpaper mural in a Wellesley home, the designer and homeowner were disappointed to see these glaring white speaker covers detracting from it!
This is when we got the call! Due to the detail in the wallpaper, the thought was to just do washes of colors to camouflage the speakers – anything to just minimize the impact of the white covers.
Instead - once I was onsite, I decided to continue the pattern as much as possible to really make sure the eye was not drawn to the differences. Adding to the challenge, the patterns in the wallpaper did not repeat anywhere in the room (!), so I had to make my best guess as to what would be in these spaces! I also wanted to “generalize” just a bit so my camouflage job did not get too busy and attract attention for the opposite reasons. Adding MORE to the challenge, I needed to use very thin layers of paint to prevent the paint from blocking the speaker holes!
Everyone was thrilled with the results!!
Left speaker before
Left speaker after
Right speaker before
Right speaker after
Room after… What speakers?!