The benefits of being adventurous! My colleague Joan and I enjoyed working with our client in Westwood on this textured cement finish for their dining room. What made it particularly fun for us that we had never worked with this material before, and our client was excited to be part of the adventure!!
The goal was to do something unique and distinctive, but to keep it in a neutral color. Our client liked the idea of using texture, but we also wanted to make sure the feel of the end result was up-to-date. We wanted to create a texture that did not read as “rustic” and would work well with the transitional style of the house.
To do this, we decided to try a cement product that lent itself well to texture, but still had the potential to feel fresh and contemporary. After some testing, we came up with a technique to do strips of texture that are almost reminiscent of wood, but still distinctly different.
The best part is we were all thrilled with the result – especially our client! And a s a fringe benefit, we now have a fantastic new material to add to our palette of options!
Under the chair rail is the same product, just with a smoother application